PASA-Côte d’Ivoire

Food Safety Assistance Programme for the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire


PASA-Côte d’Ivoire is part of the Programme d’Appui aux Systèmes Sylvicole et Agroalimentaire Durables (PASSAD), funded by the European Union and included in the Côte d’Ivoire Multiannual Indicative Programme (PIP) 2021-2027. The proposed action is also part of the second phase of the National Agricultural Investment Programme (PNIA 2), which aims to increase the productivity and competitiveness of Côte d’Ivoire’s agricultural sector, diversify crops, increase the added value of agricultural products and reduce rural poverty.



The overall objective of PASA-Côte d’Ivoire is to strengthen the contribution of the Ivorian agri-food sector to economic growth, food security and sustainable development in Côte d’Ivoire by improving the competitiveness, resilience, inclusiveness and sustainability of agri-food value chains.

The specific objective of PASA Côte d’Ivoire, in close collaboration with the relevant Ivorian authorities, is to strengthen the capacity of private actors in the agri-food sector, with particular emphasis on the two targeted value chains, to manage and control the sanitary and phytosanitary quality of food and to adapt to changing market requirements (regulatory, including SPS, commercial, social and environmental).


Partner Beneficiaries

  • Target actors, including (i) micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the agri-food sector (ii) farmer, livestock or fisher groups/cooperatives, and (iii) smallholders linked to formal markets.
  • Support services: Consultants and consultancy firms (including certification and standardisation bodies in Côte d’Ivoire used to provide support to beneficiary partners; training centres; smallholder support structures ; professional organisations ; national/regional public-private stakeholder platforms ; national/regional public/private stakeholder platforms ; institutions/organisations with a representative function (e.g. farmers’ organisations, farmers’ associations). Ivorian research institutions/organisations
  • The competent Ivorian authorities representing the public sector (DPVCQ and MINADER, DSV and MIRAH, Agence de la Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments and LANADA, as well as other Ivorian ministries will also be considered as direct beneficiaries of the support, in full complementarity with the support to be provided by PASSAD in the framework of the partnership foreseen with an EU Member State.

Final beneficiaries will also include : The regional economic communities (ECOWAS – UEMOA), More broadly, local and international consumers, rural communities and local and international buying and trading companies are also identified as indirect beneficiaries of ASAP-Côte d’Ivoire.


Expected results

  • A system (including good practice guides) for acquiring the knowledge, skills and technologies needed to improve the sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) quality of food products is available and accessible to the Ivorian agri-food sector.
  • The PASA Côte d’Ivoire system is being tested on two food value chains in the Ivorian agri-food sector.
  • The image (including on the local market), sustainability and overall management of SPS food quality in Côte d’Ivoire will be strengthened, in particular through the implementation of activities resulting from public-private dialogues involving the stakeholders concerned for the two “pilot” Ivorian food value chains.

The results to be achieved will require an integrated approach aimed at transforming existing practices, integrating international quality standards and improving the SPS quality of Ivorian products on local and global markets, thereby supporting economic growth and national and international recognition of Ivorian products.

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